Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dos Equis Redux (AKA: "A Nice Merlot")

Anytime a conversation turns to the subject of a TV show; she quickly calls attention to herself, and takes a quiet moment to look down her nose at everyone in the room, just before boldly boasting the intellectual elitist battle cry: “I don’t have a television!”

In a facebook comment she announced that rather than milk and cookies, Santa would be having stake and martinis at her house.

Where cinema is concerned, she only watches documentaries… but still cannot resist the impulse to say “The book was much better”

Regardless of the widely accepted convention of Capitalizing the First Letter of most Non-conjunctive Words which appear on a Posted Sign, she is suing Caltrans for gross grammatical violations.

She actually goes few places and does nothing which is beyond her very narrow zone of comfort. But don’t bore her with the details of anything, because in most cases she has somehow “been there” and “done that”.

She is… The most pretentious bitch in the world.

“I do not always drink wine… But when I do, I prefer a nice merlot.”