Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cause and Effect... Pretty basic, right?

The law of cause and effect is not known as “the suggestion” of cause and effect or “the myth” of cause and effect… It is commonly referred to as “the law of cause and effect” because the principal of cause and effect is universally agreed upon as being a basic truth about how things work.

So I will proceed here under the assumption that as the reader of this, you will not feel compelled to dispute the law of cause and effect.

In any given situation, when faced with any variety of challenges or problems to solve, in any area of anyone’s life, one must first observe the law of cause and effect. To solve a problem, you must determine what caused it, and then develop a solution which directly and explicitly addresses the cause of the problem.

The right-wing political sound-bite machine has been extraordinarily effective at myriad irrelevant distractions from reality. But none of their warped distractions have been more effectively and consistently arresting to progressive solutions than their distractions from the law of cause and effect. Specifically; where it concerns the global financial meltdown, the subsequent cascading joblessness, and ultimately what to do about it.

…How to solve it!

To distract us from how to actually solve it, they relentlessly bombarded us with mass hysteria about taxes. They have made taxation the new "evil threat to our way of life".

Oh sure... Obama got rid of Bin Ladin and some other really really bad people, but so what... Taxes are the real "axis of evil".

Taxes have become Dr. Frankenstein’s monster, and the Republicans have turned us all into a nation of villagers with torches and pitchforks. ...We are behaving as if taxes created the problem.

Here’s the thing… The global financial meltdown and the subsequent cascading joblessness were caused by an unprecedented reckless lack of oversight unleashed by rampant deregulation driven by republican policy. An unprecedented reckless lack of oversight unleashed by rampant deregulation driven by republican policy is the cause… The global financial meltdown and the subsequent cascading joblessness is the effect.

...Cause - Effect.

Taxes did not create the problem. The republican policy of pandering to corporations, with unbridled deregulation, is what caused the problem. And a problem caused by the republican policy of deregulation cannot be solved by the republican policy of hysterical anti-tax tunnel vision.

Cause and effect. Here's where we can choose to constructively observe or destructively ignore the LAW of Cause and Effect...

We can realistically endeavor to reverse the effect by developing strategies which hold potential to reverse the actual cause. Or we can pitifully continue to bury our heads in the sands of Fox News sound-bites and anti-tax hysteria; so that we remain hopelessly distracted from the real solutions.