Sunday, May 2, 2010

When in Rome

Well, I've got some mixed feelings about this Arizona thing.

First off, I’m a realist. So I understand that racial profiling is a necessary evil, to a point. It’s just idiotically idealistic to be completely against racial profiling.

But again to a point... Or a point at a time, in thoughtful increments. In the case of Arizona’s new law, what I mean is: Let’s try out B and C, before jumping directly to D or E. You know? Before leaping to a place on the verge of World War II style internment camps for brown people (State wide), how about picking some low hanging fruit to see how that works first: Like perhaps limit this type of law to within 20 miles of the boarder; or Home Depot parking lots. Something! I don’t know. But as a full state wide position to take, it just seems like an excessively broad stroke, at this point.

Another thought I have on the matter is: Hey, you’re choosing to live in a politically conservative state, so by that choice, you’d better be prepared to be subject to a politically conservative rule of law. Just like when I say to hard core righties: If you don’t want to be a member of a society, move your little inbred family to a deserted island and sit on yurr porch with yurr shotgun and take care’a yurrs.

Seriously! I believe this strongly - and the door swings both ways. If Tea Party conservatives are so passionately against the basic mechanics of what makes a society function, then they should get the fuck out of our society. And if people who typically fall subject to racial profiling want to avoid the burden or humiliation of such encounters, then they should think twice about living in a goat fucking hillbilly state like Arizona.