Saturday, September 1, 2007

the solution 2.0

Not enough toes to print I G N O R A N T B I G O T

I wish that the phrase “member of the global community” did not sound so…
Activist-ish or treehuggery or however it sounds, which seems to get it dismissed as too fringy to hold equal merit to a phrase like Patriotic American. I wish that, because I think it actually means something very important. I think that it is a very large part of the solution.
You grow up hearing so much about “the spirit of competition”, placed in such a positive light, as if it’s a value, in the same class as honesty, work ethic and kindness.
Competition between schools, departments, geographic areas, and everything else…
How valuable is competition? Without it, do you truly lack the drive to rise above mediocrity? Are we actually so shallow, that we feel it’s not worth bothering to move forward, unless we’re trampling over someone to get there?
Is my potential measured by what I can do, or what I can prove you can’t do?

And why the fuck am I so damn proud to be a part of a fraction of something, rather than just being at harmony with the whole thing.
Fuck that faggot-ass harmony shit! I’m proud to be a part of my fraction!!!
Proud to be an American!
Proud Christian
Muslim Pride
Armenian Pride
Mexican Pride
Gay Pride
Jewish Pride
Ford vs. Chevy
Mac vs. PC
Suni vs. Sheite
Icelandic Pride
Tasmanian Pride
Ethiopian Pride
Russian Pride
Irish Pride
Cardasian Pride!
And now, to help bring it home with a timeless classic, This little tidbit...
The young mother in front of me, with her daughter on her hip, in the check out line at Wal-Mart, did not have enough toes to print out ignorant bigot. So she had WHITE PRIDE tattooed across the tops of her toes.
She is raising a child. A child that could have been a member of the global community. But will more likely be apart of a fraction. A very proud fraction.
Has their not been enough evidence to the fact that the prouder a fraction is, the more it contributes to the problem?

I have no doubt that if this young mother votes, she votes strictly for Republicans. We have a Republican president whom has famously boasted that he wanted to be a “uniter not a divider”. We have a saying in this country: United We Stand Divided We Fall. Many people who voted for Mr. “I want to be a uniter” have bumper stickers on their cars which read: United We Stand. Some inspiring words from the President and the bumper sticker… But just words. Words of absolute hypocrisy. Under the “leadership” of this self proclaimed “uniter” our country has become more divided than it has been since the civil war. Could he stop there? No. He had to go on to isolate our country from the global community so thoroughly, that our nation has practically become the enemy of Planet Earth. The phrase that has so conveniently been left off of the bumper sticker is: Divided We Fall. As we have fallen.

Bill Clinton never touted his intent to be “a uniter”. Instead, he took actions of actual unification. Like appointing a Republican to the office of Secretary of Defense. He took real action to make significant strides toward uniting the political parties. And how did the Republican congress react? They spent the entire Clinton presidency conducting a witch-hunt against him. And don’t forget that while the Republican congress squandered millions of our tax dollars on this relentless political persecution, Bill still managed to not only balance the Federal budget, but he actually elevated our nation's revenue to the largest surplus in history.

Getting back to the point. I am not a proud Democrat or a proud American. If you held a gun to my head and said that I had to pledge my pride to something, I’d tell you that I am a proud member of the global community. And I would not limit that statement to the community of Humans. I believe that if I fail to respect all life and all elements, it would be a failure to respect God. And that's something that I try not to fail at.

But I do talk about the political parties. And I clearly do favor the politicians in the Democratic Party. It's just logical. The only politicians (of the realistically viable parties) in this country whom seem to make real efforts to unite us as nation, as a people, and as a truly responsible member of the global community, happen to be Democrats.
Hopefully, they will have enough success to eventually abolish all political parties.

Is John Lennon’s “Imagine” starting to play in the back of your mind, or is that just me?

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