Sunday, March 9, 2008

keeping score

Here’s a little snap shot — that sort of demonstrates how deeply out of touch the right-wing extremists are with the rest of America.

  • On that persistent right-wing gutter politics effort to convince voters that Obama has connections to Muslim extremists; the most right-wing politician serving in Congress just made himself the poster boy of that smear campaign.

  • John McCain keeps “waving the white flag” by telling the world that this great nation has been brought to it's knees and should be terrorized into voting for him.

  • Since George Bush lost his Republican Congress and found out that he is no longer Dictator Bush, he’s been like a child having a tantrum with his veto stamp. His latest cast of that stamp told the world that the United State of America condones torture.

  • Meanwhile, yesterday the Illinois congressional seat that was previously held by Dennis Hastert — the longest-serving Republican speaker in the history of the House — was won by a Democrat.

As some American politicians continue to tell the world that we are shallow, weak, and in shameless lack of a moral compass; the American voters have an entirely different message.
It would seem that "hope" is alive and well in America.

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