Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Assuming you’re right…

I was recently having a casual chat with a guy when the subject of current gasoline prices came up in the conversation. This gentlemen went on to very clearly and sincerely express his opinion that it is the environmentalists who are to blame for the price of gas. If only they would stop preventing us from more offshore drilling - and drilling in Alaska…

This guy really thinks that this would be the solution. And it’s not the first time that I’ve heard talk like that. More than a couple of people actually do think that way. Perhaps even you. If so, let us assume that you are right.

Let’s say that everything in Al Gore’s little slide show is absolute fiction – an elaborate hoax on all of us.

Let’s say that there truly is no need to stop polluting the Earth’s atmosphere.

Let's say that nothing stood between the oil companies and every last drop of oil under American soil and territories.

Now, let’s say that we got all of that oil tomorrow – every last drop…

That’s gunna be great! Just like the way that Iraqi oil has paid for the war.…

Oh yeah, I guess it didn’t quite work out that way. Right... The war has actually cost us over a trillion dollars and that Iraqi oil which was supposed to pay for the occupation has well I’m not sure what happened to it, but I keep hearing about the oil companies having record profit quarters. In fact, somehow, regardless of up down forward or backward, every condition of the oil markets and geopolitical events seem to somehow result in higher gas prices for us and record profits for oil companies.

But I guess that’s all going to change now. Tapping all available U.S. oil resources must be the magic event that the oil corporations have been waiting for. This will be the thing which will make those CEOs, Chairmen and board members just stop in their tracks, look at each other and say “Okay fellas… The party’s over. Enough of all this raking in billions of dollars… Let’s dial back gas prices to about a buck eighty a gallon.”

Hmmm… Yeah…

Yep. I’m pretty sure that that’s pretty much how it’s going to go down.

Or reality could happen.

1 comment:

brian stout said...

funny how we've known for years that we needed to look into higher gas mileage cars, smarter technology, mass transit, etc. - but here we are with an oil man in the white house, oil companies with the record profits, like you say, and we're finally paying the prices that europeans have paid for years... hmmm...