Thursday, August 7, 2008


Didn’t we invent the light bulb?

…and the telephone?

How ‘bout the computer? Wasn't that us too?

Were we not the first to put a man on the moon?

Remember when the United States of America was the great forward thinking innovative force of the world? It was a time when we truly were, on so many levels, the leaders of the civilized world, with all other countries looking to us for what great things were next to come.

Now a days, under REPUBLICAN “leadership” we have followed the lead of COMMUNIST China – and withdrawn from the Kyoto Protocol, using China’s non-participation as our excuse.

Under REPUBLICAN “leadership” the abolition of our basic American fundamental of habeas corpus has us following the lead of dictators and terrorist régimes – into our current policies of capture and detention.

Under REPUBLICAN “leadership” American automakers have remained dedicated to shackling us to our oil addiction, while Japan has developed (and is now importing to us) a zero emissions hydro fuel cell vehicle.

I could continue to catalogue our spirals into the heart of darkness, but my point is this...

Do we look beyond the smoke and mirrors which keep calling into question the Democratic nominee’s readiness to lead?

Or shall we continue to follow our Republican “leadership” back to the Stone Age?

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