Monday, June 11, 2007

The Point

Many years ago, Chris Mortensen gave me a J. Krishnamurti book. As I recall, I only read bits of it at a time. Honestly, I can remember very little of what I read. But there is one bit of it which has always stood out in my mind. He wrote about the futility of ideologies. So clearly and logically, he presented and validated this concept, which he encapsulated with the statement that "all ideologies are idiotic". Since then, there have been many significant points in our recent history, at which that profound phrase has come into my mind.
We have reached an other one of those points.

As a global society, we have filled this world with problems. Most of the strives toward solutions have created more problems, because so many ideal solutions to the same problem are in such sharp contrast to one and other. This has gone on for so long that all of the original problems are forgotten. We now drift aimlessly, through the vast debris fields of problems that were spawned by the ideologies of the worlds most powerful idiots.

To get rid of both the ideologies and the idiots would solve most of the worlds problems, immediately. But of coarse, that scenario is idealistic. Not realistic. And my whole point is the historically proven fact that real solutions to real problems have to be about what is realistic. Because an idealistic attempt at solving the problem will not only fail to solve the problem, but also create a three fold of new problems. The more you think about it, the more you realize, that ideology is the great enemy of the global society.

So, if we can't get rid of the ideologies and the idiots, I guess we have to pick one to work on first. It's my thought, that the more we manage to reel in the ideologies, the more idiots will fall out of power. So let's attack the giant at the knees.

At this point I want to disclose the fact that politically, I am a "Lefty". It seems very difficult to logically dispute the fact that the greatest forces of conflict and destruction in the word have historically been and presently are at the hands of the idealists in far Right Wing of various nations. That said, I want to make it very clear that I find the Left Wing to be equally as guilty of idealistic idiocy as the Right. And have in too many cases, been as much of a hindrance to progress as those on the Right. The recently failed, so called "Bi-Partisan Immigration Bill" is a perfect example of both sides being guilty of putting idealism ahead of realism. Once again, both the Left and Right have allowed ideology to conquer progress.

My use of the word progress, brings us to the other end of the point. Real solutions are rarely arrived at in a single step. Just as a movie is built from a series of scenes. A solutions is often built from a series of progressive steps. And no. I'm not talking about Iraq. Not much of that mess is in any way progressive.

The sort of thing that I am talking about is the time that I saw Gay's protesting against Bill Clinton, after "Don't ask. Don't tell" happened. I saw a big picture of Bill, with the word LIAR in bold across it, marching down a Gay parade. Yes. "Don't ask. Don't tell" fell far far short of the level dignity that Bill Clinton had hoped to give to Gay's in the Armed Forces. But it was the most that the Republican congress would let him do. So he did something! He made progress on that issue. Yes. Only a baby step. But progress toward social evolution. He moved us an inch further away from our nation's core of socially accepted bigotry. Perhaps those who protested him would have preferred him to be an idealist rather than a realist. Perhaps they'd prefer that he had stuck to his guns with a measure that Congress would not have passed. Perhaps these idealists would have been happier to see him accomplish nothing. Fortunately for the realistic members of the progressive population, these idealists failed to shoot themselves in the foot.

This is one example of idiotic ideology on the Left. And I really don't need to get much into examples from the Right. The fact that most wars are fought over religious differences speaks enough to that.

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