Tuesday, July 10, 2007


There is no argument of the fact that in general, the Republican Party is anti Labor Union, while the Democratic Party is pro Labor Union. So why are so many members of labor unions anti Democrat?
This is very simple. Most members of labor unions are “Blue Collar folk”. Most blue-collar folk hate fags.
Our national hatred of gay people is that powerful. So powerful that when many labor union members are faced with the choice: Do I vote for the party that is trying to help me to better provide for my family? Or do I vote for the party that hates fags as much as I do? They actually feel morally compelled to vote Republican. A moral compulsion to promote hatred… Twisted, ain’t it? But that is the reality of our nations dedication to bigotry. Socially accepted, organized bigotry. Bigotry that takes priority over how well a person can provide for their family. God bless America.
Speaking of God… I’m a big fan of God. I believe in a much bigger God than those self-righteous right-winger do. My God is bigger and Godder than theirs, because my God does not hate fags! My God has no hate. Hatred is a moral sickness. And if anyone is morally sick, it is certainly not God.
I was at work with some right-wing redneck types during a time when the issue of gay marriage was making a lot of headlines. These guys that I worked with were very macho. Contemporary “slap that bitch fuck that ho” macho. Before gay marriage was in the news, not one of these ignorant, bitch slappin’, ho fuckin’ simpletons would have ever been caught dead, uttering a pansy ass phrase like: “The sanctity of marriage” But what do know? There they were, spouting off “the sanctity of marriage” this and “the sanctity of marriage” that. Didn’t matter to them. They’d commit to putting on an apron and washing the dishes and vacuuming the house everyday for the rest of their lives if it meant that they got to actually write their hatred of fags into the constitution. They were drooling at the mouth. Giddy like schoolgirls. Because socially accepted bigotry is all fine and dandy. But now we have a chance to have Federal Law enforcing the hatred of an entire group people who we consider to be less human than us.
God Bless America! Have you heard the most popular statement against gay marriage? Not sure if it’s actually the most popular, but it’s the one that I’ve heard the most. They love to say that it somehow devalues traditional marriage because it’s the same as granting a legal marriage to a couple of animals. Hmm… That’s a pretty clear dehumanization of an entire group of people. A lot like the way that the Nazi’s dehumanized the German’s perception of Jewish people. That movement was very successful at convincing the masses, that the members of an entire group of people were actually not valid people, deserving of human rights. So what is the difference between that and what’s going on now? Is it that gay people actually are less than human? One thing that I’m sure of…Every gay person that I know is in every way morally superior to and more human than any asshole who would carry a sign that reads “God Hates Fags”.

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