Friday, November 2, 2007

Resolve or Reuse

If you privately prevent the break from healing, then you know that the crutch it’s self is somehow relieving a much bigger hurt than the broken bone is causing.

Why is abortion still legal? My beliefs on the issue of abortion put aside…
My belief in the Law of Cause and Effect tells me that abortion should have been outlawed a few years ago.

Remember? It wasn’t that long ago, that the Grand Old Party controlled every major branch of the Federal Government. They had the White House, the House and the Senate – In addition to appointing some extra right wing talent to an already ultraconservative Supreme Court. They practically had absolute power, and were in no way humble about it. Particularly when it came to any issue that would ultimately increased the wealth of people and corporations who were already wealthy.

It almost seemed to be a sidebar flaunting of this power, when they found time to rub salt in our children’s wounds, by actually appointing an oil company lobbyist to the post of chief White House advisor on environmental policies.

But what about those social issues that are so important to the religious right??? The super wealthy individuals and the big corporations got there’s… Why didn’t the grass roots heart and soul of the right wing get their pay off? That wealthy 3% of Americans who raked in the benefits of the great Republican heyday are just that… 3%. There’s no way that 3% of the vote can get anyone elected into office. That’s why they need the social conservative vote. Without it, how could enough of them get into power to spoon feed the big corporations and the nation’s wealthiest individuals?

So they’ve kept conservative social issues at the core their agenda – Often talking about these issues with preeminent expressions of utmost concern. For years and years, these debates and speeches were so passionately and sincerely delivered that we just knew it would only take a little more power. If only we could get enough Republicans in office… And then one day, PRAISE THE ALL MIGHTY! It happened!!! With a Republican in the White House, the GOP took control of both bodies of Congress.

That was a very important time in American history, because of how revealing it was. Since they had total power, they had the ability and certainly the will to make the exact changes to this Country that they thought were necessary. You see, not all issues have the same type of objective. With some issues the object is to achieve the obvious goal of the matter. But other issues serve a much larger and far more, long term purpose. For those issues it is much more important that they exist. And that they continue to exist. In fact the longevity of those issues is so important that privately, the politicians don’t really intend to achieve their stated goal on the matter. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself again…
Why didn't they do it when they had the chance?

Think about it! Really... Take a moment and THINK about it. How often does one political party have that much control?
...The answer is once in a blue moon. Right? So when that blue moon rises, you’d better believe that they’ll accomplish everything that is most important to them, while they have the chance. And now that the time of total Republican domination has come and gone, we know what they wanted most. And it had nothing to do with the conservative social issues.

They need abortion to remain legal as much as they need to be seen trying to get it outlawed. They need the Constitutional Separation of Church and State to stand strong, as much as they need to be seen trying to tear it down. They need gays to continue fighting for equal human rights as much as they need to be seen fighting against equal rights. They desperately need these issues to live and flourish. Because if abortion were outlawed, and the doctrine of evangelical Christianity became the next Amendment to the Constitution, and Homosexuality was declared to be a felony punishable according to The Book of Leviticus - If these things happened, then those issues would be solved. And if they were solved they would no longer be issues. And without those issues this party would lose so much of its base that it would cease to be a viable party.

Was it an oversight???
Did they simply forget to overturn Roe v Wade while they had the chance?
...just slipped their minds?
Not likely.

Politicians are very smart people. They are aware of what an opportunistic playing field they are on. They know exactly what they want. And they get as much of it as they can, while they can get it. And they want your vote much more than they want your social issue to be resolved. It’s like the pharmaceutical companies. They invest in the development of treatments not cures. Because cures are bad for business.

But don’t feel forgotten… They’ll keep talking about abortion.

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