Thursday, November 15, 2007

You are not an island

If you have a problem with that, move to one.

Accepting and responsibly reacting to the fact that you live in a society does not make you a communist. It just makes you a realist. I'd say that it's what separates us from the animals -- If it were not for the fact that many animals happen to have a stronger sense of social responsibility than most conservatives.

Just as ignoring your bills won’t make them conveniently go away; ignoring the less convenient elements of society won’t make them go away. It just makes them multiply faster.

A society is like an organism. What if your white blood cells were like you? This is what they’d sound like: “Yeah, I know there’s an infection over there. But how is that my fault? I’m just gunna stay over here and take care of the other white blood cells.” The long term result would be your immune system failure and death. Am I being dramatic to suggest that conservatives are killing our society? I don’t know. But, the more that you think about it, the more you realize just how organic a society truly is. And for any of you white blood cells who weren’t paying close enough attention, that body that you just let die, was your host. So you’re dead too. Get it?

Simply turning your back on the dredges of society will not make them go away - nor will it make them any less of a burden on society. Burying your head in the sand only exposes your most vulnerable side to the worst of them.

Not only are you creating your own problems, but you really are making them worse. You are driving them to a point of insolvability. Measured by the practical rule of logic and reality, the right wing mentality, in regard to how to deal with a society of people, is an absolute anti-solution.

Thankfully, this attitude of “I’m gunna sit on my porch with my shotgun and take care of mine is on the endangered list. Growing out of that attitude is just a natural step in the evolution of our species. So while you continue to fight so hard to turn back the clock on social and mental evolution, us reality based progressives get to watch each new generation become more realistic and more progressive. Y’all had yer shot at draggin’ us back to the days of burning witches at the stake. But enough of us woke up to get us looking forward again. Because that’s where the solution is.

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