Friday, January 4, 2008

Real Lies vs Real Skeletons

It seems that at least twice a week I hear someone make wise cracks about Barack Obama’s name. Yes very clever… Barack Osama. And it seems that just as often I hear news reports about the relentless fabrications about Obama’s supposed Muslim background. Every time someone tries to start one of these rumors, it is immediately revealed (by responsible members of the press) to be an absolute fabrication. But that doesn’t stop them. These people are in love with the idea of trying to get people to believe this lie. It's actually because of these people that everyone is now so aware of the fact that Barack Obama was baptized Protestant and never had any ties to radical Muslims. And despite the rampant global knowledge of the truth about Obama, these people remain relentless in there quest to spread the lie.

It would have been interesting if people had attacked George W in such a way, back when he was first running. At least they would have some legitimate ammunition. Considering the fact that the Grandfather of our sitting president was practically a member of the Nazi party. Not figuratively. Prescott Bush actually was an active partner and share holder in major companies that greatly aided and greatly profited from the Nazi war machine. It’s just one of the uglier skeletons in the Bush family closet. Dandy little gem in American history. I didn’t notice anyone use it against dubbaya during his campaign years. But if they had played that dirty, at least they would have been armed with truth.

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