Thursday, January 3, 2008

Coincidence and Convenience

“President” Pervez Musharraf is supposedly an ally to our nation against terrorism. That sounds nice but I wonder about what details of that relationship we’re not privy to. I wonder if the negative aspects of those details may radically outweigh this assumed Musharraf anti-terrorism prowess. It does seem to be an interesting coincidence that a couple of Presidents, whom have both achieved the office of Presidency by questionable means, have now become so chummy.

And then there is Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda is very real. They do really bad things. But it may have become just a bit too convenient for shady fuckers like Musharraf and Bush to blame Al-Qaeda for incidents which they’d prefer not to explain truthfully. You know… Things like the Bhutto Assassination. Or perhaps it was just a very convenient coincidence that Al-Qaeda came along to pull that Bhutto thorn out of Musharraf’s side. Not sure if Al-Qaeda likes him enough to do him that favor...Hmm. At any rate, Musharraf appears to have the resources to handle tasks like that for himself. But if he did need the favor, he’d probably go to someone he was more chummy with.

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