Monday, December 24, 2007

Today's Light Note

“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

This is probably my all time favorite quote by anyone. It’s a valuable tool that I privately try to evoke while engaging in discussions. When I remember to use it (which is not nearly enough), I usually find that by it's measures, I am either discussing in a small minded way or an average minded way.

I don’t beat myself up over this. I’m just glad that someone strung together so few words, in such a powerful way -- A way that without judgment or condescension compels me to be a better person; to be something more than just another drain on the resources of this world. It at least encourages me toward an effort to elevate my conversations to something more meaningful and constructive -- and sometimes to strive to actually be a great mind.

And if nothing else…
It reminds me that nobody likes a shit talker.

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